Meckel’s diverticulum isotope scan

Gut Investigations Meckel’s diverticulum isotope scan This involves injection of a radio-isotope into a vein which then collects in particular tissues containing gastric lining acid producing cells. In a Meckel’s diverticulum which is a remnant of the embryological development which is an out-pouching of the small bowel and present in 2% of the population, this…

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Wireless capsule endoscopy

Gut Investigations Wireless capsule endoscopy This is a new and exciting technique to look at the area between the beginning of the jejunum, small bowel and the beginning of the terminal ileum which is the majority of the small bowel and accounts for anywhere between 1 and 3 metres depending on the age of the…

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Common gut related blood tests

Gut Investigations Common gut related blood tests There are many different ways of looking at nutrition via blood tests such as iron levels, calcium levels and vitamin levels. There are many ways of testing for absorption problems such as Coeliac disease and there are many ways of looking for inflammation indirectly via blood tests. We…

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Gut Investigations Colonoscopy This is a simple test used to detect the presence of a number of diseases in the large bowel, or ‘colon’, and in the part of the small bowel just above the colon, called the ‘terminal ileum’. These problems can include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease which are collectively known as ‘inflammatory…

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Wireless “Bravo” pH study

Gut Investigations Wireless “Bravo” pH study This is a new device which is very helpful because it is a small clip that is placed at the bottom of the oesophagus at endoscopy that will leave this area automatically by being sloughed off after 5-7 days. Its advantage is that it sends our wireless signals to…

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Liver biopsy

Gut Investigations Liver biopsy This is not usually needed unless there is a problem with the liver and in this circumstance it occurs usually with a general anaesthetic and a needle is passed into the right side of the abdomen just above the edge of a the rib cage and a small core of liver…

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Barium Swallow

Gut Investigations Barium Swallow A barium swallow is a test which is done to look at the oesophagus, not for function but for anatomy , looking to see if there are any areas of narrowing (or strictures as they are called), and this is very helpful in children who are having swallowing difficulties. It is…

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Upper GI endoscopy

Gut Investigations Upper GI endoscopy This is a way of looking at the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum and first part of the small bowel, called the jejunum by using a video on a micro-chip relaying images to a screen. It is useful for diagnosing conditions such as gastro-oesophageal reflux, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining),…

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Isotope white cell inflammatory scan

Gut Investigations Isotope white cell inflammatory scan This is now something that is rarely done but it has been used in the past where significant inflammation inside the intestine is suspected and involves a small amount of radiation by injecting the person’s own white cells back into the body when they have been labelled with…

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Barium Meal and Follow Through

Gut Investigations Barium Meal and Follow Through Barium is a substance that shows up on x-ray and a barium meal is when your child would swallow some liquid or solid containing barium and we would watch it go into the stomach, and then the intestine, and follow this through the intestine. It is very helpful…

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