Drugs used in paediatric IBD
Drugs used in IBD Azathioprine Indication: Immunosuppresive therapy in Ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease. Formulation: Injection 25mg Tablet 25mg, 50mg Dose: PO/IV 1-3mg/kg Dose between 2-3mg per kilogram is used, sometimes with initial 5 day intravenous duration. Manipulate oral dose to multiples of 25mg if possible to save handling broken or crushed tablets. Side-effects: Hypersensitivity,…
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Drugs used in IBD Adalimumab This is a human monochlonal antibody that is not likely to cause allergic reactions or tolerance as would Infliximab and is used as sub-cutaneous injection once every 2 weeks at a dose of 20-40mg. It can be uncomfortable and it is as effective as the 8 weekly infusions of Infliximab…
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