Gut Investigations


Faecal analysis

Faeces can be looked at for bacteria, viruses, the presence of parasites but all these are not particularly reliable. Faecal elastase is a test which can look for pancreatic function. There are other tests to look for blood loss and inflammation. In general, however, faecal analysis is not particularly helpful.

There is also now a test called Faecal Calprotectin which can look at inflammatory bowel conditions as a marker of these issues.

You will be given bottles to collect the stools in and a form and then return this back in the post to the lab address on the form – The Doctors Laboratory, 76 Wimpole Street, London W1G 9RT  Tel: 0207 307 7373It is better to send these samples to the lab on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday by first class post or drop them to the lab so they are not left over the weekend. Please note the laboratory require all pots to have a name, date of birth and date of sample on them or they cannot process these, they also require the request form to be sent along with the samples.