Pancreatic function studies

Gut Investigations Pancreatic function studies The easiest way to test for normal pancreatic function is by a sample of stool but more formal pancreatic function studies may occur via collection of the juice produced by the pancreas under direct vision by sucking this out by endoscopy and this may take up to an hour. This…

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Cranial MRI Scan

Gut Investigations Cranial MRI Scan This is particularly helpful for looking at the structures inside the head and particularly for the drainage system for cerebral spinal fluid to make sure there is no blockage and also for any tumours within the brain. It can be helpful to determine whether there is any raised pressure within…

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Abdominal CT Scan

Gut Investigations Abdominal CT Scan A CT scan is a sophisticated x-ray which involves older children lying still in a machine for around 30-60 minutes but sometimes less time and younger children would probably need an anaesthetic to keep them still.The CT scan of the abdomen involves an amount of radiation, which is relatively significant…

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Oesophageal motility and manometry studies

Gut Investigations Oesophageal motility and manometry studies These are a way at looking at the movement of the oesophagus and pressure waves set up by normal movement of the oesophagus and are quite unusual to be required. They are not particularly pleasant to undergo and therefore we do not use them very frequently in Paediatrics.…

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Cranial CT scan

Gut Investigations Cranial CT scan A cranial CT scan involves in a younger child an anaesthetic, and usually is performed in older children when lying still, and we look with special x-rays on the computer to determine whether there are any abnormalities within the head. It is particularly helpful for looking for abnormalities involving any…

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Practical Advice before Endoscopic Procedures

Gut Investigations Practical Advice before Endoscopic Procedures Bowel Prep This is the term used to encompass the technique to clean the large bowel of faeces prior to doing a colonoscopy. It will require that your child comes into hospital with you in the late afternoon prior to the colonoscopy and at that junction the nurses…

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